Saturday, 11 June 2011

Baba ganoush




Aubergine, truffle oil, garlic, cumin, garam marsala, coriander
1) Slice the aubergine and cover with generous dash of salt to bring out the bitter juices. Rinse after 20 minutes and roast in the oven for a further 20 minutes.

2) Crush 4 garlic cloves and sautee in truffle oil on a low heat so that the garlic does not burn. Stir in a teaspoon of cumin, a teaspoon of coriander and a teaspoon of Garam Marsala.

3) When the aubergine is roasted, drop it in a blender with the spiced garlic oil and blitz thoroughly. If you wish you can peel the aubergine first but I think the skin adds colour and flavour to this wonderful comfort food.

I served this with Fudge's sesame and pumpkin seed flatbread which was absolutely fabulous.

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